Contact Kimberly

Kimberly Broad

Sales Representative - 519.495.5670 -

Kimberly's passion for negotiating and love of homes makes her an excellent advocate when you decide to buy or sell residential real estate. Her positive attitude and friendly demeanor instantly put her clients at ease. She and her husband have lived in London for over 35 years and have raised their family in the Oakridge area. It's Kimberly's position that it's her job to make sure you know as much as possible about the nuances of each neighbourhood, ultimately affecting the value of your purchase.

Kimberly’s experience in the interior design world gives her clients an extra edge. From tips on staging to helping her clients see the potential in every home; Kimberly can help you to see not only what a home is but what it could be as well. Her ability to organize and simplify a space helps her clients to maximize their home’s features and sell faster. 

Kimberly is always involved in the community through a variety of charitable organizations and is always working hard to keep the city of London a great place to live.